When discussing commercial playgrounds and their design, not much thought is put into their accessibility features. These can be very helpful for children who require the use of wheelchairs or other mobility devices to get around the playground. Playground designers may use wood, or in-ground surfacing mediums to accomplish this task but one medium that does the job equally well is sand. OK Sand on its own, is great for play. Using sand constructively around the playground can mean that the urban playgrounds won't look and feel too far off from beaches. One great example of sand in use is the setting up of sandboxes for toddlers. Since sand is an easily manipulative medium, children can use it to construct sandcastles and other imaginative creations right from the comfort of their playground. The fact that not enough sand is used anymore in playgrounds is a great loss for its potential to become a great medium in play for every child. The use of play tables is another way of utili...